Deep Tech Talent Training Prize – maximum prize per entity of up to EUR 60 000


Another exciting opportunity is now available for the EIT HEI Initiative community: the Deep Tech Talent Training Prize of the EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative!

The Deep Tech Talent Training Prize rewards excellence in addressing deep tech training challenges.

Awards are given to applicants who demonstrate excellence in addressing challenges in specific area groups of the Deep Tech Talent Initiative. 

The total maximum funding allocated to this prize is up to EUR 1 000 000 with a maximum prize per entity of up to EUR 60 000

The Prize is open to all organisations who meet the criteria and have completed the pledge and quality check process by 22 September 2023

As long as the training submitted for the Prize is not the same as the EIT HEI Initiative-funded action, there is not an issue of double funding

Learn more about the Deep Tech Talent Training Prize.

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