The 2nd LEADERSHIP4SMEs call is now open


The 2nd LEADERSHIP4SMEs call for applications has opened on October 11th. We would be pleased to have you among the applicants and get the opportunity to get a pool of free added value services on IPR, access to funding and business strategy.

The laureates of the call for application will get support from a team of IPR, technology transfer, business development and funding experts that will include:

  • Access to IPR support services.
  • Assistance to define an IPR-centric business development strategy.
  • Access to a pan-EU network of business and innovation partners, IP and funding experts.
  • Access to proven tools and assistance to accurately assess investment readiness and define a step by step IPR-centric growth strategy.
  • Access to feedback from IP experts and VCs.
  • Access to funding and business opportunities.

Selection criteria

Applications will be evaluated according to 3 main criteria:

• Impact: the applicant should demonstrate that the project will generate income, create jobs and is based on a sound business model and a solid commercialisation strategy.
• Excellence and implementation: the applicant should provide evidence of high potential of the proposed innovation and their competencies and the motivation to bring it to the market.
• Relevance of the IP strategy for the implementation: the applicant should highlight in which ways the definition of the IP strategy is key for the implementation of the project and how the IP strategy is aligned to the innovation and business strategies.

To apply, please join our community on the Venture Development Platform by clicking the “I want to be invited to the community button!” at the bottom of the page – you will be automatically guided through a simple process.

For step-by-step guidance and more details about the conditions of the call for applications, please check our Guide for applicants below.

Guide for Applicants


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