Business Cooperation on Blue Growth in Europe


Innovation Norway and partners invite you to a hybrid event: business cooperation on blue growth in Europe. The event will gather businesses, clusters, researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders from 12 countries in Europe.

How do we create business in a blue economy that combines growth with sustainable oceans, seas, coasts, rivers and lakes? How can companies, innovation clusters, research institutes, industry associations and others best cooperate on blue growth in Europe?

Join to discuss the latest expertise, opportunities and ideas for business innovation, green solutions, new technology and alternative energy sources for blue growth with representatives from the marine/maritime sectors in 12 countries across Europe.

The event aims to create business in the marine/maritime sector, within the EEA and Norway Grants and beyond. It also provides for matchmaking to establish partnerships.

Cooperation between 12 countries in Europe

The event is organised in cooperation between 12 countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Slovakia.

All 12 partners will share national priorities on blue growth, their potential for business innovation, opportunities in their markets and ambitions for European cooperation.

These 12 countries are partners in the EEA and Norway Grants, but the event is relevant for all of Europe. It includes other countries too and digital participation is open to everyone.

Hybrid Event in Greece and Online

The event takes place in Athens, Greece and online on 10-11 May 2022. The event is hybrid. It gathers 200 representatives of businesses, innovation clusters, research institutes, industry associations and others in Athens, Greece. It will also be streamed online. Digital participation is free of charge and open to everyone who registers (button to the right).

Call for Expression of Interest – Participate in Greece

We invite a 180 representatives of the blue growth sectors across the 12 partner countries to Greece. Participants will be selected based on ‘expressions of interest’ in each country. The costs will be covered with a lump sum. The first deadline for expressions is 1 April 2022.


The registration for online participation in this event takes place in „B2Match”. B2Match is a platform for online matchmaking. When you register, you create a profile and you gain access to all the profiles registered from across Europe. You can browse the profiles and book B2B meetings with relevant partners. Register via the green button above.

The EEA and Norway Grants on Blue Growth

The EEA and Norway Grants on Blue Growth supports projects on business innovation, value creation and competitiveness in the marine/maritime sectors. It also encourages cooperation with partners in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein in all projects.

The EEA and Norway Grants are the contribution from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein to reducing social and economic disparities and strengthening cooperation in Europe. Through the Grants, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein support 10 programmes on Business Development and Innovation with financing for private companies and partners.

The event presents the funding available in 2022. The matchmaking connects partners for bilateral cooperation, within and beyond the ongoing period of the EEA and Norway Grants.

Follow the EEA and Norway Grants by Innovation Norway on Facebook or LinkedIn.


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