ClusterXChange event in Austria


We are thrilled to bring you the latest updates from the recent ClusterXChange event that took place in Austria from May 21 to May 27, 2023. This event was a resounding success, and we are excited to share the highlights with you.

  1. Participation and Diversity: The ClusterXChange event witnessed the active participation of 18 organizations, including SMEs, clusters, and scale-up organizations. This diverse group of companies represented various sectors and backgrounds, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.
  2. Program Overview: The event spanned across four cities in Austria, namely Vienna, Linz, Salzburg, and Graz. The agenda comprised of insightful visit studies, networking opportunities, and workshop sessions conducted in a discussion format. The primary focus was on showcasing innovative concepts and applications related to digitization and sustainability in the fashion industry.
  3. Financial Support: Participating companies had the privilege to access a lump sum of 900 euros from the European CLOTH (Xchange) project. This financial support aimed to assist organizations in their endeavors and facilitate their engagement in the event.
  4. Key Meetings and Collaborations: Throughout the program, several noteworthy meetings were held at prestigious locations. Some of the highlights include:
  • Vienna Chamber of Commerce: Discussions took place at this renowned institution, allowing participants to explore potential business opportunities in Austria accessible to Romanian entrepreneurs.
  • WKO – Wirtschaftskammer Österreich: Participants had the opportunity to interact with experts from the Vienna Business Agency’s Expat Center, fostering connections and exchanging insights.
  • Romanian Embassy in Austria: The embassy served as a platform for entrepreneurs to discuss potential business opportunities, strengthening ties between Romania and Austria.
  1. Exciting Visits: Entrepreneurs had the chance to visit various locations, including:
  • Linz: Participants explored the Tobacco factory/start-up hub and the Start-up hub, witnessing the innovative environment and opportunities available in these spaces. They also had the privilege of visiting the largest FabLab in Central Europe, the Innovations Werkstatt – GRAND GARAGE.
  • Salzburg: A visit to the IRE Office – Institute of European Regions (IRE) provided valuable insights into European regions’ collaboration and development initiatives.
  • Graz: The event concluded with a study visit to the Creative Industries Styria cluster, offering participants a unique perspective on the vibrant creative industries in the region.

The ClusterXChange event in Austria proved to be an enriching experience for all participants. The exchange of knowledge, the establishment of connections, and the exposure to innovative concepts in digitization and sustainability in the fashion industry will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and development of the participating organizations.

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