INTERVIU Jim Lawles, speaker inspirational: Tigrul este ceea ce ne opreste din avantul de a face ceea ce dorim sa facem in sufletul nostru, desi mintea ne spune cu totul altceva. Este real si are colti!

Jim.Lawless.Taming.Tigers.15.1Jim Lawles, speaker inspirational de talie mondiala, a fost unul dintre invitatii speciali ai Conferintei PMdays 2014.  Jim Lawles, recunoscut pentru faptul ca incanta auditoriul facandu-l sa se ridice in picioare, nu s-a dezmintit nici de aceasta data. Facand o analogie a managementului de proiect cu cursele de cai, prezentarea Taming Tigers a lui Jim Lawless a starnit hohote de ras, i-a pus pe ganduri pe participantii la eveniment, ba chiar i-a transformat in jochei, ridicandu-i de pe scaune, in finalul prezentarii. Dar cine e tigrul pe care trebuie sa-l imblanzim? „Tigrul este ceea ce ne opreste din avantul de a face ceea ce dorim sa facem in sufletul nostru, desi mintea ne spune cu totul altceva. Este real si are colti„, a explicat Jim Lawless titlul prezentarii sale.

Jim Lawless a avut amabilitatea de a ne acorda un scurt interviu, pe care vi-l prezentam in continuare. Interviul este in limba engleza.

  • Who is the tiger we have to tame? What are the tiger’s rules?


 The Tiger is that force within us that persuades us to stick with what we know – to avoid the new, avoid the discomfort of applying effort (not eating muffins, practising a musical instrument) and the fear of loss (we all fear loss of „reputation” if we get things wrong or are seen not to be as competent as we are in our current, comfortable environment and habits. The Tiger’s „rules” are to to avoid moving outside of that which we know. The 10 Rules for Taming Tigers are ten practical and proven ways to overcome the Tiger. They have been proven by me as the author in several experiments (including horse racing and freediving) and by many people around the world in the personal and business lives.

  • In present days, change is significant and accelerated. Sometimes companies don’t know it’s time to change, are afraid to change, because change cost money. What is your advice regarding this problem?


Firstly to listen to all points of view. It may be that change is not required – although that is unlikely in the current climate. We cannot control people, so we have to lobby and influence with good manners and good evidence. However, if a person believes that change is necessary, has tamed their own Tiger and intelligently presented that view to their leadership and they believe that the leadership will ignore the facts and endanger the company, I would say it is time to move jobs.

  • You are one of the world’s leading inspirational speakers and you advised and helped companies globally. What inspires and motivates you?


I am inspired by hard work and achievement – whether that is a child learning to walk or a world famous musician taking to the stage to perform something that is the culmination of a lifetime’s dedication. I am inspired by those who put their lives at risk to stand up for justice and humanity. I am inspired by the fact that we have a remarkable planet to „play” on for our lifetimes. I am motivated by many things from the need to feed my children to the desire to experience many elements of being human. Currently I am also motivated by passing my Grade 4 piano exam, having begun lessons three years ago and by getting fitter as I’ve been travelling and working too much recently!

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