
Decizia Parlamentului European din 9 octombrie 2008 referitoare la aprobarea declaratiei comune privind Parteneriatul pentru comunicarea privind Europa (2007/2222(ACI)) – Raportul Leinen – stipuleaza: “comunicarea reprezinta un element important atât al democratiei reprezentative, cât si al democratiei participative” si ca ” experienta castigata la alegerile si referendumurile europene care au avut loc în trecut sugereaza ca este mai probabila participarea persoanelor care detin informatii si care sunt interesate de aspectele legate de UE, în vreme ce probabilitatea participarii în randul persoanelor mai putin informate si interesate este mai mica“.


0 Replies to “QVORUM”

  1. Marian GHIONU spune:

    Votewatch.eu is an independent website set up to promote better debates and greater transparency in EU decision-making by providing easy access to, and analysis of, the political decisions and activities of the European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers. Votewatch.eu uses the European Parliament’s own attendance, voting and activity data – available through the Parliament’s website – to give a full overview of MEP activities, broken down by nationality, national political party and European party grouping. Using sophisticated statistical methods developed by political scientists from the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Université Libre de Bruxelles, the website covers the Parliament’s activities during the entire 2004-2009 term and, starting with the new term, will be updated following each voting session in plenary. Please sign up for our news feed if you are interested in receiving immediate updates.

    Votewatch.eu will be expanded in a second phase to also include information on governments’ decision records in the Council of Ministers. This second phase is planned for late 2009/early 2010.


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