Call PULL: Digital Innovation HUBs and CollAborative Platform for cyber-physical systems


HUBCAP has a € 3 Million equity-free fund for SMEs to experiment and innovate with MBD CPS solutions and technologies.

HUBCAP is your one-stop-shop for embracing digital innovation using model-based design technology for Cyber-Physical Systems. Get the tools and resources you need to scale ideas and grow your business. Source potential partners for your application experiment, with an array of competences – both technological and business related.

Applications close on 30 June 2020. Funding: €1000 per SME, 100% payment with integration of service and participation on a HUBCAP workshop. 

Is your SME/midcap providing digital technologies? Join the HUBCAP programme and  will help you with the process of finding new customers and selling your assets.

Call #1 – PULL aims to attract and engage Europeans SMEs/midcaps to join and integrate existing Cyber-Physical Systems and Model-Based Design tools in the HUBCAP Collaboration Platform.

Who is HUBCAP looking for?

HUBCAP is looking for European SMEs/midcaps providing CPS and MBD assets & tools. Such digital technologies may be applied to any sector domain (Mobility, Industry, Health, Energy, Environment, Robotics, etc.), to enrich our innovative and sustainable cloud-based open collaboration platform!

How does it work?

Each PULL call provides a mini-grant of €1,000 to help individual SMEs integrate existing CPS and MBD tools in the HUBCAP collaboration platform. The asset integration is supported by the DIHs through the participation in workshops. SMEs are invited to define the price structure for their assets and will thus benefit from exposure in the HUBCAP marketplace, as well as the opportunity to find new customers and participate in the subsequent EXPERIMENT and INNOVATE calls.

What’s in it for SMEs?

  • The opportunity to integrate their MBD CPS products, services and technologies within the HUBCAP ecosystem offering;
  • The chance to reach potential new customers and collaborators and to participate in funded HUBCAP experiments and innovations;
  • A lump sum of 1000€ (per SME);
  • Access to a sustainable ecosystem of stakeholders active in multiple CPS domains (Mobility, Industry, Health, Energy, Environment, Robotics, etc.);
  • Access to support services and workshops with our DIHs.

Where can I read all open call details?

Documentation kit here.

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