Internship Microsoft Danemarca

Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen (MDCC) is Microsoft’s biggest development center in Europe and is located just north of Copenhagen in Denmark. Around 650 employees are working at MDCC, including a significant number of highly specialized software developers recruited from all over the world. In 2008 and 1009, MDCC was rated the "Best Place to Work in Europe” by the Great Place to Work Institute (more info). The staff counts more than 40 different nationalities making MDCC one of the most international companies in Denmark.
What we offer
We offer internships at Microsoft in Copenhagen of 9 to 12 months. At the end, you might get the opportunity of a full-time job with us, or you might choose to get back to school (if you interrupted your studies), or continue your career as you like. In any case, Microsoft on your CV can be a good advantage.

DETALII: Valy Greavu’s Live Blog

Valentin Mazareanu

Valentin Mazareanu

Valentin P. Mazăreanu, doctor în economie. Subiecte de interes: managementul riscului, securitatea informaţională, managementul proiectelor. Ocupaţii în prezent: project manager al, Co-Regional Director of PRMIA Bucharest Chapter, Director General al Paideia Consulting SRL Iasi, Expert IT în proiecte cu finanţare nerambursabilă. Studii: liceu militar, facultate de drept, master în Sisteme Informaţionale pentru Afaceri, studii doctorale în economie. Dezvoltare profesională: stagiu de cercetare în Franţa, Poitiers (subiect: managementul riscului); şcoală de vară în Finlanda, Jyvaskyla (subiect: managementul riscului, dreptul de proprietate intectuală, knowledge management); training internaţional Slovenia, Ljubljana (subiect: managementul proiectelor internaţionale); training naţional Romania, Iaşi (subiect: antreprenoriat, Analiză Tranzacţională, NLP, Comunicare şi Negociere).

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