Some elements to be considered in risk assessment

The elements presented before do, in truth, perform a risk assessment, but more through risk behavior (the exterior event with devastating potential, the financial damages it causes etc.).
For this reason, we think that other elements can also be considered in risk assessment, such as:
– the professionalism of the assessment team / trust granted to the human factor;
– the time available to make the assessment;
– the moment of risk identification in the system’s life cycle (analysis, project, implementing, testing, effective functioning etc.);
– the necessary cost for assessment and adopting the risk response plan – acceptance, avoidance or transfer. (“Is the assessment still worth if it generates a cost higher than the damage that would be generated in the case of a risk occurrence?”);
– the STEEP factors (social, technological, economical, environmental, political).
We reveal on this opportunity another factor which should be considered in the assessment of risk generated by the human component – the psychological factor. And we don’t necessarily mean by that abilities, skill (ability consolidated through habit) or intelligence (analytical, synthetic, pragmatic, and theoretical). We consider personality, character, creativity (when required), and temperament to be important.

Valentin Mazareanu

Valentin Mazareanu

Valentin P. Mazăreanu, doctor în economie. Subiecte de interes: managementul riscului, securitatea informaţională, managementul proiectelor. Ocupaţii în prezent: project manager al, Co-Regional Director of PRMIA Bucharest Chapter, Director General al Paideia Consulting SRL Iasi, Expert IT în proiecte cu finanţare nerambursabilă. Studii: liceu militar, facultate de drept, master în Sisteme Informaţionale pentru Afaceri, studii doctorale în economie. Dezvoltare profesională: stagiu de cercetare în Franţa, Poitiers (subiect: managementul riscului); şcoală de vară în Finlanda, Jyvaskyla (subiect: managementul riscului, dreptul de proprietate intectuală, knowledge management); training internaţional Slovenia, Ljubljana (subiect: managementul proiectelor internaţionale); training naţional Romania, Iaşi (subiect: antreprenoriat, Analiză Tranzacţională, NLP, Comunicare şi Negociere).

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