GIS in risk management – an overview

In my PhD thesis I suggest and give exemples of how to use geographical information systems (GIS) in risk management.
Today, I will make an overview of the GIS concept, promising that I will be back with this subject.
It seems that the literature does not offer a standard definition for the Geographical Information System (GIS) concept. The Handling Geographic Information Report (which is a standard creation body) describes GIS as an information system where data has a geographical dimension [Hawkins, 1994, p.4].
What we can understand from this idea is that data can be bound to a very specific point from a geographical map.
An interesting way to define this concept is offered by Meeks and Dasgupta [Meeks and Dasgupta, 2005, p.179]. In their opinion GIS is a system that include components as hardware, software, data, connectivity, procedures and operators.
GIS = f {Hardware, Software, Date, Connectivity, Procedures, Operators} where,
– Hardware – all the hardware components of a system;
– Software – operation systems, applications and tools;
– Date – all kind of data;
– Connectivity – component that connect GIS with data sources and other support application;
– Procedures – processes, algorithms, methods necessary in order to use a GIS;
– Operators – annalists, researchers, users of GIS.
GIS are systems used for storage, extraction, mapping and analyzing geographical data. GIS are metaphorical described as the 21st Century’s datasheets. These systems became extremely important in many fields: starting with geography and geology, continuing with business, healthcare or criminology and finishing (but not ending) with governing (GIS is an important component of a e-Government plan).
The main advantage of a GIS system is that all the complex data that have been displayed in tables, datasheets, balance scorecard and other technical reports until now, are displayed in graphical manner very easy to understand and interpret. If we think just for a moment as a risk manager we understand that such a system would help me to simulate and understand whether conditions in order to better identify nature risks for a project.

Valentin Mazareanu

Valentin Mazareanu

Valentin P. Mazăreanu, doctor în economie. Subiecte de interes: managementul riscului, securitatea informaţională, managementul proiectelor. Ocupaţii în prezent: project manager al, Co-Regional Director of PRMIA Bucharest Chapter, Director General al Paideia Consulting SRL Iasi, Expert IT în proiecte cu finanţare nerambursabilă. Studii: liceu militar, facultate de drept, master în Sisteme Informaţionale pentru Afaceri, studii doctorale în economie. Dezvoltare profesională: stagiu de cercetare în Franţa, Poitiers (subiect: managementul riscului); şcoală de vară în Finlanda, Jyvaskyla (subiect: managementul riscului, dreptul de proprietate intectuală, knowledge management); training internaţional Slovenia, Ljubljana (subiect: managementul proiectelor internaţionale); training naţional Romania, Iaşi (subiect: antreprenoriat, Analiză Tranzacţională, NLP, Comunicare şi Negociere).

0 Replies to “GIS in risk management – an overview”

  1. Buna ziua si va multumesc pentru comentariul dumneavoastra,

    Imi cer scuze pentru intarzierea cu care raspund. Azi mi-am sustinut teza de doctorat in catedra, fapt pentru care nu am acordat timp decat pregatirrii prezentarii.
    In ciuda faptului ca sunt implicat in multe proiecte care imi ocupa timpul, sunt extrem de receptiv la nou, asa ca sunt interesat de propunerea dumneavoastra, pe care as dori sa o detaliati.
    Cred si eu in nevoia de schimbare. Practic, prin site-ul pe care il administrez, si prin acest blog, incerc sa promovez importanta managementului riscului, nu neaparat ca proces, cat mai ales ca si cultura de management al riscului.

    Va scriu acelasi mesaj si pe email pentru a putea sa imi raspuneti.


  2. Maria spune:

    Sunt inginer constructor, trainer si senior consultant pe diferite teme: Manangementul proiectelor, Manangementul performantelor, manageemntul schimbarii, fonduri structurale,comunicare,etc. cu certificare si diplome internationale. Marea parte a experientei mele am dobandit-o prim programe Phare de preaderare, alte programe cu finantare internationala si mai recent programe din fonduri structurale. Mi-ar placea sa imbinam cunostiintele noastre pentru a contribui, intrucatva, la o schimbare a societatii contemporane.

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